Project Samples Surveying:

The work on a blast furnace with Thyssen Krupp represents a unique project in the specialist field of surveying. The client’s problem consisted of replacing an old filter (height approx. 35m and weight approx. 70t) so that the blast furnace was only 72 hours out of operation. This meant placing the new filter beside the blast furnace NR. 9, to then remove quickly the old filter (after switching the blast furnace off) to then insert and attach the new filter exactly (to 20 mm accuracy) to the remaining three connection points all within the given time. The task of FPK Engineering consisted of measuring the three connection points in such a way, that the tolerance for the new building could be kept to 20 mm. The photos below document this procedure, which ran under both the highest levels of measurement accuracy as well as under enormous time pressure, to ensure that no further production losses arose.

Replacing Air Filters from a Blast Furnace

Using the largest construction crane in the world, the old filter was first dismantled (fig. 3). The connection points of the new filter were determined at the tangential connecting piece (fig. 4, 5 and fig. 6) – this was removed and measured. After that, FPK engineering calculated all three connection points at the tangential connecting piece where the new filter would be put. Then the connecting piece to the blast furnace was again installed (fig. 7).

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